Friday, February 22, 2008

Route change

I consider a route change in Part V which would go straight through the Trinity Alps on 12 km of trail. I put it up on the web page, but I want to check it out on the ground before finalizing the change making sure that's legal and possible to ride the trail section.

Start/finish location discussion

Willows is easily accessible by car, but there's no public transportation. If participants may rely on public transportation to get to the start line, Chico may be the better choice.

If we stay with Willows, Denny's right by the highway exit will be the location for start, finish and pre-start breakfast meeting.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The race is on

It seems to be about time to set a date: the last week of June 2008.
Start will be:

Saturday, June 21st, 2008 at 9am

Willows, CA
, at the corner of Wood St and Tehama St

I will publish a place for pre-race breakfast meeting when we get closer to the start.

Route information
